Adopting a positive attitude allows the pregnant woman to be more responsive to the transformations that occur over the weeks. According to experts, there are good reasons to live the pregnancy with an optimistic outlook:
Note that body changes are natural and transient.
They are responsible for developing the ideal conditions for the evolution of pregnancy and the baby's development. For example, there is an increase in breast tenderness and breast volume because it will turn up to produce breastfeeding.
They are responsible for developing the ideal conditions for the evolution of pregnancy and the baby's development. For example, there is an increase in breast tenderness and breast volume because it will turn up to produce breastfeeding.
Think about how the body changes to help with childbirth. Among other changes, a set of hormones released during pregnancy allow the pelvis - more properly the sacroiliac, sacrococcygeal, and pubic symphysis joints - to become more flexible and allow the baby to traverse the pelvis down the vaginal canal.
Adopt simple and useful strategies as it can prevent and relieve discomforts. For example, if you have heartburn, sleep with one more cushion to lift your torso; if you have morning sickness, eat a cookie still in bed, five minutes before getting up; if you have spinal pain, adopt a better posture.
Be aware that complaints are best managed with adequate emotional support (from the parent, health care team, co-workers, family, and friends). Some of the discomforts also have to do with psychic adjustments to physical changes and are also a consequence of this challenge, as well as greater or lesser tolerance to discomforts.
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