What are the rare symptoms of pregnancy in the first days? When you are pregnant but you still do not know it (or yes) you can begin to perceive certain symptoms that you must take into account, but I do not mean the classic symptoms that we all know as nausea or lack of menstruation, I mean other symptoms strangers, those who do not tell you but who feel and suffer when the pregnancy begins.
Although they do not have to be something general, they are common. They are strange symptoms that can occur in a pregnancy and that you should pay special attention. If after reading this article you have not found the strange symptoms that characterized your pregnancy or that is characterizing it right now ... do not hesitate to tell us your symptoms!
Nasal congestion
One of the rare symptoms of pregnancy in the first days that happened to me was the nasal congestion, it seemed like I had a cold but of that nothing. You should not take any medication to relieve it but you can use natural remedies to make it go away, such as relieving it with a seawater solution.
It is also possible that you find blood on your nose and that at night you snore. This will be caused by the inside of the mucosa because your nose also swells because of the hormones. The swelling will cause the area of air circulation to decrease. You can also find your nose drier, especially in winter. Remember that saline solutions can go great, but you can also use a humidifier in your home.
Change in vaginal discharge
It is possible that your vaginal discharge changes and you begin to notice that it increases, but do not worry because this is common, normal and healthy. The amount will increase, but you only have to check if there is any change in color or smell. If you see that your vaginal discharge becomes too strange, go to your doctor immediately.
If you do not have a vaginal infection, you are probably used to having a whitish vaginal discharge that changes throughout the menstrual cycle and you do not usually give it more importance. When you have an infection, the vaginal discharge can change a lot and, in addition to having a bad smell, it can even change color, turning green, bluish, yellowish and with an unusual texture. In addition, you will quickly know that you have an infection because you will notice discomfort in the vagina from itching to itching when urinating.
But if you have become pregnant a symptom that needs to be added to the list is the change in your vaginal discharge. You may suddenly notice it more abundantly (and nothing has to do with an infection). They are losses of the cervical mucus that happens because of the hormonal changes that the body of the woman has because of having become pregnant.
Normally you will have the dream during the day but when the night comes you will not have much desire to sleep. But you should know that the most common symptoms of pregnancy are tiredness and sleep, so if you suffer from insomnia can be a symptom that should worry, especially when you have the inability to fall asleep or unable to sleep when you have woken up by example to urinate.
You can try to do relaxation or meditation to be able to find the peace that will help you sleep, although another option is that during the day you exercise moderately (depending on your capacity according to your gestation) to get to the most tired night.
Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep can also be a strange symptom at the beginning of pregnancy. There are many women who suffer from a sleep disorder during the beginning of pregnancy. It can be excessive sleepiness or insomnia. This will make the woman feel fatigued during the day, something very uncomfortable to cope with, especially if she is a woman who has to fulfill work obligations. That is why it is important to look for ways to sleep better.
In my pregnancy, I had heartburn from the first month and until the moment my baby was born, that's it ... it was finishing the birth and disappearing the acidity by magic. But during pregnancy, there was no remedy or anything that could calm me down.
Many say that the baby when it is big tightens the mouth of the stomach and that's why it gives acidity, but in the first month the fetus is small and does not squeeze anything, it just appeared ... and it stayed.
Belching and gas
Gas and belching are very common since there is an overload in the digestive system, so it is better to follow a balanced diet and also you feed in small quantities but many times a day. You will also have to look at foods that do not give you gas or belches, avoiding for example chickpeas, beans or broccoli.
Constipation is another of the strange symptoms but very common in pregnancy, since hormones affect the intestine causing it to run slower. To fight it and that does not cause you a problem you will have to do moderate exercise, drink a lot of water and above all, take foods that are rich in fiber.
Swollen gums
You can discover that along with other parts of the body, your gums are more inflamed than necessary. This happens because of changes in progesterone and estrogen levels, but also because of the increase in blood flow through your body. The gums may sangrarte even when you're not brushing. It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene at all times.
Changes in the skin
It is likely that you have ever heard that pregnant women may have acne because of hormones, sensitivity to the sun, darkening of the skin (especially near the nipples, on the face or on the linea alba). If you notice that they begin to leave stains on areas of the skin that normally rubs with clothes, I advise you to put sunscreen on sensitive skin.
The feet grow
It does not happen to all women but I know cases that women, once they have been mothers and have already passed their ankles and swollen feet of pregnancy, their feet have grown. This is because of the relaxin that loosens the ligaments of the pelvis to allow the baby to come out, but it can have an effect forever on the joints of the feet.
You have too much hair
The hair of the head will be a beautiful hair, resplendent and full of vitality. But the same hormones that will help you have a hair announcement will also make you feel horrified to see how suddenly you can start to see hair in areas where there was previously no such as on the chin, upper lip and even around the nipples.
You will have to have a good pair of tweezers always on hand to get rid of annoying untimely hairs.
Weakness and faintness
These are pregnancy symptoms in the first days would go beyond normal fatigue and may be a sign of anemia. If you do not have any energy, you may not be getting enough iron in your diet. Anemia in pregnancy ( iron-deficiency anemia ) can be corrected with daily iron supplements, always prescribed by the doctor.
You hate food that you used to love
The hormonal changes can cause your body to act in strange ways and feel nauseous at meals before you sounded delicious. The sense of smell has also changed you and you can feel disgusted at some foods.
Would you like to tell us some rare symptoms of pregnancy during the first days?
Will I be pregnant if I have any of these symptoms?
Throughout this article, you have been able to check many symptoms and maybe now you feel somewhat alarmed if you can be pregnant or not. If you have had complete unprotected sex you may be pregnant, so you should take a home pregnancy test to find out. Remember that to make the test you must wait 10 to 14 days from the day you had to have lowered the rule and did not.
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