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The first signs of pregnancy appear in the first few weeks. However, not every woman goes through them - and even that most pass, they are not always even expecting a baby. The best way to find out without much fanfare is to use a home pharmacy pregnancy test. If the result is positive, consult a doctor to confirm the picture and decide what to do next.

Method- 1: Identifying the first signs

1. Think about the last time you had sex. 
It is only possible to get pregnant when having vaginal sex; that is: oral sex does not count. Also, consider whether you have used protection. If you have not taken the contraceptive pill or used any other contraceptive method (such as a diaphragm or a condom), your chances of getting pregnant are much greater.
  • The process of implantation of the fertilized egg begins six to ten days after sex. It is at this stage that the woman is even pregnant and that the body begins to release the necessary hormones. Generally, pharmacy tests do not give accurate results until the first day that menstruation does not go down. 
2. Determine if your period is late. 
This is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. If you are late for a week or more, you may be expecting a baby.
  • If you follow your menstrual cycle, it will be easy to calculate when you last menstruated. If not, try to remember your head. If you have been pregnant for more than a month, you should be pregnant.
  • Still, this signal is not completely reliable, especially with those who have irregular cycles.
3. See if there is any change in your breasts. 
Although the breasts are larger in the later stages of pregnancy, it is possible to notice some changes right away. During pregnancy, the body releases hormones of irregular shape, which makes the breasts swollen and tender. When you adapt to these hormonal changes, you will begin to feel less pain.

4. Be wary if you get too tired. 
Pregnancy can make a woman tired - after all, she is carrying a new life inside her, which is not easy. But in the early stages, this exhaustion is caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone, which leaves the body less active.

5. Pay attention if you have stomach problems. "Morning sickness" is quite common among pregnant women, although the woman may also feel nauseous at any time of the day. Generally, these symptoms appear about two weeks after conception and disappear after the first trimester.

  • You may also feel aversion to strong smells and certain foods - and, at the same time, craving for others.
  • You may have digestive problems such as constipation.
  • Although morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy, many women do not go through it or feel disgusted with food and smell. Nausea is heavily represented on television and in the movies, but the truth is that they are not so frequent.
  • Many women get their nose sharpened and smell bad harder, such as rotten food, smoke, and body odors. Even so, this does not necessarily cause nausea.
6. Be wary if you need to urinate more often. 
One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is an increase in the urge to pee. Like many of the other signs of gestation, it is caused by the change in the release of hormones.

  • In the later stages of pregnancy, the baby may end up pressing the mother's bladder, increasing her desire to go to the toilet. But in the first few months, the problem happens because of hormonal changes.
7. Look for signs of implantation bleeding. 
Some women notice bloodstains or brown-colored secretions in their underwear when they are about to menstruate. The problem may last for a few weeks, but it is not as intense as menstruation itself. SEX DURING PREGNANCY: YES OR NO?!

8. Keep an eye on your mood swings. 
The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy affect mood and thus can make the woman euphoric in an instant and sad in another. Although not every pregnant woman goes through this, it is a common sign. If you cry or get angry at your loved ones for any reason, you might be expecting a baby.

9. Be alert if you feel dizzy. 
This signal arises at any stage of gestation, including the first few months. At first, the problem probably happens because the body is creating new blood vessels (by changing its blood pressure), although it can also occur due to hypoglycemia.

Method- 2: Taking a Pregnancy Test

1. Take a pharmacy pregnancy test. 
This type of test is quite accurate, provided you do so as soon as you notice the delay in your menstruation. Buy it at the Women's Hygiene products section of any drugstore. Some options give accurate results even before menstruation does not go down, but read all the packages to be sure.
  • Take the test when you wake up to improve its effectiveness. Follow the instructions on the package (usually, just urinate at one end of the stick and place it on a flat surface afterward).
  • Wait about five minutes and read the rest of the packet to learn how to interpret the results. Some tests show two lines to indicate a positive result, while others only show one blue line. 
2. Decide whether you want to try again if you receive a negative result. 
In most cases, the negative indicates that the woman is not pregnant. But if you take the test too soon (before the period when menstruation should go down, for example), you may get a false negative. In such cases, redo the process to be sure.
  • Take the test again after the period in which you should have already menstruated.
3. Consult a physician to confirm pregnancy if the result is positive. 
Although the modern tests are very accurate, it is still better to use the professional to be sure. Also, if you are even pregnant, you will have to plan and make some decisions, such as whether to deliver the baby for adoption or begin an antenatal treatment. Go to a hospital or health clinic and do a urinalysis with your gynecologist.
  • Even if the urine test has positive results, your doctor may ask for a blood test to confirm the diagnosis and know what directions to give you.
Method- 3: Giving the next steps

1. Decide if you are fit to have a child. 
If you are caught by surprise by pregnancy, you will have to make some decisions. Think about whether you are in the physical and financial condition of raising a baby. If not, can you make the necessary changes for the child's sake? Children are a huge responsibility - in the emotional, physical and financial sense. Although no parent is perfect, at least they must want this kind of commitment to another life.

2. Discuss the issue with your partner. 
Think about whether you are willing to raise a child with the child's parent. Your relationship must be mature to hold such responsibility. If you are interested in forming a family with him, tell him that you are pregnant and ask him what he wants to do.
  • If the parent is not present, talk about the pregnancy and your situation with someone close to you, such as your parents or siblings, just to get some ideas.
3. Get an antenatal treatment. Even if you decide to give the baby up for adoption, through frequent prenatal consultations to take care of the child's health. The doctor will also examine your progress and make tests to diagnose possible sexually transmitted diseases and diabetes, as well as the condition of the baby on the first visit. Finally, it will also mark all subsequent treatment dates.

4. Decide if you want to give the baby up for adoption. 
If you think you are not able to raise a child, the most humane and responsible option is to turn him in for adoption. The decision is delicate and definitive after signing the papers, so be sure. From an early age, start learning about it, do research, talk to friends, and get in touch with a lawyer or social worker. 
  • Talk to the child's father. He should also give the endorsement for adoption. Finally, if you are a minor, you should still ask for help (and in some cases, authorization) to your parents.
  • Decide how you want to proceed with the adoption. You can contact a lawyer or social worker directly.
  • Research very carefully before making the final decision. When you surrender the child, you will no longer have any rights over it; so think hard before you make your choice.


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