Now that you are pregnant, it is important to try to increase the intake of certain nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins and iron. This is important to make sure that you are consuming everything your body and the developing baby need. And no, you do not need to follow that old mentality that pregnant woman has to "eat for two." Eating better does not mean eating more, in most cases. What should I watch for during pregnancy? If you were not to worry too much about the food, now it's worth going to make more thoughtful and balanced meals. Limit the amount of treats and invest in a varied diet. During gestation, your body works even more efficiently, getting the most energy out of what you eat. So in the first six months of pregnancy most women do not even need to eat more than they already did. It is only in the last three that it is advisable to eat 200 to 300 more calories, but that does not mean almost anything, since 200 calories equals mere two buttered toast,...